**Jefferson's Parlor**

A Place for Contemplation of Democratic Political Philosophy and Its Meaning for Democratic Parties.......Now with Added Social Science!

Parlor image courtesy of Robert C. Lautman/Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
To the Remembrance of Neda Agha-Soltan
My Photo

EDUCATION: Master’s Degree in Sociology; WORK EXPERIENCE: Case Worker, Researcher, Teacher, Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Actor, Janitor, Busboy, Day Laborer; COUNTRIES I HAVE VISITED: Austria, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Egypt, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay; FAMILY: Father from Ukraine, Mother from USA, wife from Colombia, one brother and one sister; LANGUAGES: English, Spanish and German [although my German is "rusty"]; CITIZENSHIP: USA. My wife, who is an artist, drew the picture at left in 1996. I had hair on top back then. Now it grows out of my ears and nose instead. OF ALL THE THINGS I HAVE DONE IN MY LIFE, I am proudest of this blog. I hope someone reads it!

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Progressive Anthem

Political movements often use something to identify themselves as a movement. For Tea Partiers, it is teabags. For Poles, it was the word “Solidarnosc”. In Ukraine it was the color orange, and in Iran it’s the color green. During the civil rights movement in the USA, it was the song, "We Shall Overcome."

I will be so bold as to suggest an anthem for progressives. Reading about the absolutely scandalous defacing of the Koch Theater, I went to the webpage of the Rude Mechanical Orchestra, where I had an aural epiphany. One of the songs played by RMO, “Bella Ciao,” a song of Italian anti-fascists, punched me in the frontal lobe and demanded to be presented as an anthem for the Progessive Movement. I must obey the Muse.

Here is the music, provided by RMO

Here are lyrics suggested by the Muse:

We are Progressives
We are Progressives
We fight for all to be equal and free, free, free
We are fighting
the fascist forces
to give the world

No, those are not the original lyrics. But our national anthem started as an English drinking song. I suggest you also have strong drinks while singing the Progressive Anthem. It improves the volume.

Fond regards to all Progressives, regardless of nationality,

Alex Budarin
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