**Jefferson's Parlor**

A Place for Contemplation of Democratic Political Philosophy and Its Meaning for Democratic Parties.......Now with Added Social Science!

Parlor image courtesy of Robert C. Lautman/Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
To the Remembrance of Neda Agha-Soltan
My Photo

EDUCATION: Master’s Degree in Sociology; WORK EXPERIENCE: Case Worker, Researcher, Teacher, Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Actor, Janitor, Busboy, Day Laborer; COUNTRIES I HAVE VISITED: Austria, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Egypt, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay; FAMILY: Father from Ukraine, Mother from USA, wife from Colombia, one brother and one sister; LANGUAGES: English, Spanish and German [although my German is "rusty"]; CITIZENSHIP: USA. My wife, who is an artist, drew the picture at left in 1996. I had hair on top back then. Now it grows out of my ears and nose instead. OF ALL THE THINGS I HAVE DONE IN MY LIFE, I am proudest of this blog. I hope someone reads it!

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mr. Republican & The Ideal Government

I want a Government that is
Small, Cheap, Fights a lot of Wars,
and Gets into Our Private Lives!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mr. Republican & Social Philosophy

My favorite philosopher is Jesus, who said:
“Love thy neighbor,
if thy neighbor is a heterosexual, conservative, self-sufficient, English-speaking Christian,
like yourself.”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mr. Republican & The Stimulus Plan

Screw the Unemployed,
my Stocks need a Tax Cut!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mister Republican & Universal Health Care

If you can't afford health care,
then you don't deserve it!

Parlor Wit

No more CEO entitlements, ‘kay?

Friday, February 06, 2009

Obama Gets Only 1 “Friedman Unit”?

Regarding this story in the Huffington Post:

“Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and nine other Republicans spoke with reporters Thursday afternoon following their House colleagues' unanimous rejection of President Obama's stimulus package Wednesday evening.

"They can cram down a stimulus package without Republican support," said Kyl, "but if that happens, then when, as we believe, in six months or so, when the American people say, 'Wait a minute, we're not better off. In fact, we're worse off than we were six months ago. Who is responsible for this and what can be done to fix it?' Republicans then are going to be in a position to say, 'We didn't have the input in this and that's why it didn't work.'"

Dear Jon Kyl,

You, President Bush and the other Republicans in Congress dug us into this economic pit over a period of 6 years. Six years of tax cut after tax cut, making sure the rich got richer. It was supposed to bring us prosperity. What did we get? A depression. Your solution? More tax cuts for the rich! How does that make any sense? We tried throwing more money to rich people. That didn’t work.

There is no magic fix for the catastrophe you helped to create. We will have to try a number of methods. But we do know one way that will not work, and that is the Bush Republican way. And, thanks to your disastrous economic policies, it will certainly take us more than one “Friedman Unit”* to succeed!

*One Friedman Unit, also known as "one Friedman" or "one F.U.", equals six months in the future.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Parlor Wit

The Best of George W. Bush