**Jefferson's Parlor**

A Place for Contemplation of Democratic Political Philosophy and Its Meaning for Democratic Parties.......Now with Added Social Science!

Parlor image courtesy of Robert C. Lautman/Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
To the Remembrance of Neda Agha-Soltan
My Photo

EDUCATION: Master’s Degree in Sociology; WORK EXPERIENCE: Case Worker, Researcher, Teacher, Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Actor, Janitor, Busboy, Day Laborer; COUNTRIES I HAVE VISITED: Austria, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Egypt, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay; FAMILY: Father from Ukraine, Mother from USA, wife from Colombia, one brother and one sister; LANGUAGES: English, Spanish and German [although my German is "rusty"]; CITIZENSHIP: USA. My wife, who is an artist, drew the picture at left in 1996. I had hair on top back then. Now it grows out of my ears and nose instead. OF ALL THE THINGS I HAVE DONE IN MY LIFE, I am proudest of this blog. I hope someone reads it!

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Friday, December 30, 2011

The Masses Will Not be Managed 大量不會被處理

Villagers in Wukan, Southern China, recently marched in demonstrations against corruption and exploitation by their authoritarian elite. This is what people around the world are waking up to.

Regarding the Wukan demonstrations, a Communist official named Zhu Mingguo delivered a message to his superiors that should be a message to all authoritarian elites of the world:
“The task of managing the masses is becoming more and more difficult....The public’s awareness of democracy, equality and rights is continually getting stronger, and as a result their demands are growing.”

This is the truth. The lies and distortion, propaganda and sloganeering, will no longer work like they used to. All authority ultimately depends upon the consent and cooperation of the members of the community. Consent and cooperation may be coerced, but not forever. Inequities will be tolerated, but not continually. There is a point at which tolerance turns to outrage and the public refuses to cooperate further in its own exploitation.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

President Assad الرئيس الأسد

الرئيس الأسد, فهو لم يذهب الى سوريا. كما تحاول خنق الديموقراطية بالقوة من دون ان ينجح. الرجاء اعتبار مجلس
المصالحة, او ما شئتم تسميتها. ولا بد أن نزاهة بأن الديمقراطية في سورية. السلام تتوقف على ذلك. ومن ضمن ذلك انشاء قوة لكم. من اجل الانسانية, ونطلب منكم ذلك.

It is not going well for Syria. The attempt to stifle democracy by force is not succeeding. Please consider a Council of Reconciliation, or whatever you wish to call it. There must be an honest, recognized democracy in Syria. Peace depends upon it. It is within your power to create this. For the sake of humanity, we ask that you do so.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gotta Walk the Talk

Dear President Obama,

The speech you gave in Kansas was a symphony to this listener. Fox News is tone deaf. You could say, "I love my mom and apple pie," and they would say you forgot to mention God, the second amendment, and the sanctity of marriage. You can't win with them.

But you can still win with your base. You can animate us like you did in 2008. But it will take a little more this time. Because you talked tough the last time, too.

I think I understand why you sought to compromise so often, since your election. The leaders in Congress were people with whom you worked before. You knew them. Perhaps you thought they would remain reasonable colleagues. But times had already changed dramatically, Prez. I'm guessing that you realized this when the Republican candidates indicated at a debate that they would not accept any compromise that included increased revenue for the government.

Regardless, you do appear to be rejoining your base now in calling for the Fair Society, one in which we all get a fair shot and we all contribute our fair share. I'm with you on that. But this time, between now and the election, your words won't be taken for granted. You gotta walk the talk, Prez. You have to stand up to your former colleagues, and tell them to their faces, that what they are demanding is not fair to the country as a whole or its future. If you do this, and do it repeatedly, I believe you will see again the fervor you saw in 2008.

Разделенное Россия

Г-н Путин,

Когда правительство позволяет урнам для избирательных бюллетеней быть заполненным, нет народовластия. Народовластие Потёмкин.

Когда вы требуете что протесты были оркестрованы другими странами, вы оскорбляете сведению ваших товарищеских русских. Они нет тупоумных людей. Им не нужно американцы сказать им чего они видят. Им не нужно американцы сказать им как чувствовать о этом.

Чему вы думаете русские будете верить, ваши губы или их собственные глаза?

Divided Russia

Mr. Putin,

When a government allows ballot boxes to be stuffed, it is not a democracy. It is a Potemkin democracy.

When you claim that protests have been orchestrated by other countries, you insult the intelligence of your fellow Russians. They are not stupid people. They do not need Americans to tell them what they see. They do not need Americans to tell them how to feel about this.

What do you think Russians will believe, your lips or their own eyes?