**Jefferson's Parlor**

A Place for Contemplation of Democratic Political Philosophy and Its Meaning for Democratic Parties.......Now with Added Social Science!

Parlor image courtesy of Robert C. Lautman/Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
To the Remembrance of Neda Agha-Soltan
My Photo

EDUCATION: Master’s Degree in Sociology; WORK EXPERIENCE: Case Worker, Researcher, Teacher, Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Actor, Janitor, Busboy, Day Laborer; COUNTRIES I HAVE VISITED: Austria, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Egypt, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay; FAMILY: Father from Ukraine, Mother from USA, wife from Colombia, one brother and one sister; LANGUAGES: English, Spanish and German [although my German is "rusty"]; CITIZENSHIP: USA. My wife, who is an artist, drew the picture at left in 1996. I had hair on top back then. Now it grows out of my ears and nose instead. OF ALL THE THINGS I HAVE DONE IN MY LIFE, I am proudest of this blog. I hope someone reads it!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thug Government

Conservatives sneer that what Progressives aspire to is a "Nanny" government. This is because Conservatives despise the thought of a government which actually cares about the condition of the people, their general health and welfare. Conservatives abhor the concept of "entitlements" for anyone but the wealthy.

Speaking as a Progressive, I see the Conservatives as aspiring to a "Thug" government, one which exists only to enforce the will of the bosses. I think this is what Eric Cantor meant, when he objected to President Obama's speech about businesses having a responsibility to the nation. In the Conservative view, the responsibility goes one way, from the peons to their lords. The objective of Thug Government is to ensure that the overlords are fat and happy, for then their largesse shall trickle down upon the rest of us. If we are worthy.

Alex Budarin
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Rules of the Road

If we need rules for the road to avoid road crashes, we need rules for the market to avoid market crashes.

Alex Budarin
